Time: January 4, 2014 to January 5, 2014
Location: Beijing, China
City/Town: Beijing, China
Website or Map: http://www.icaem2014.org/
Event Type: education, pedagogy, management, technology, applications
Organized By: DEStech Publications
Latest Activity: yesterday
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The 2014 International Conference on Advanced Education and Management [ICAEM2014] aims to bring researchers, engineers, and students to the areas of advanced education and management. ICAEM2014 features unique mixed topics of education and pedagogy, and management technology and applications. The conference will provide a forum for sharing experiences and original research contributions on those topics. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their contributions to ICAEM2014.
ICAEM 2014 conference proceedings will be published by DEStech Publications. DEStech will have CD-ROM indexed in ISI (Institute of Scientific Information ) and Google Book Search. DEStech will submit the CD-ROM to CPCI-SSH and SCI for worldwide online citation of qualified papers. Excellent papers will be published on SCI journals.
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