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International Journal of Computer Technology of Electronics & Communications


International Journal of Computer Technology of Electronics & Communications

International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Communication is a well known high impact journal of Chronexus publisher. It is a referred journal which aims to publish articles and papers that contribute to the development of both theory and practice in the field of electronic communication, computer engineering and Electrical Engineering etc.

Scope of journal is in following fields-
Network architecture, Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, Mesh networks, Mobile computing, Virtual private networks, Web services, Architectures and computation models, compiler, hardware and OS issues, Memory system, I/O tools, programming environment and language supports, Performance modelling and evaluation,Artificial intelligence, Visualisation, virtual reality, digital signal processors, microcontrollers, Telecommunications engineering, Power engineering which includes transformers, electric generators, electric motors, high voltage engineering and power electronics etc.

There is no submission fee for Contribution of manuscript for approval. Once the manuscript is approved, the author has to pay for the publication.

Chronexus Publishers publish open access journal in different branches of Engineering, Management and Sciences.

  • IJCTEC. International journal of computer Technology of Electronics & communications. ISSN: 2320 – 0081
  • IIJES. International Innovative Journal of Engineering and Sciences. ISSN: Coming soon
  • IIJBM. International Innovative Journal of Business Management. ISSN: Coming soon

We publish high quality and refereed papers quaterly. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, readability and relevance. Our moto is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles fast without delay in the developing field of engineering and Management science.Publication of Thesis, Dissertation, Projects, Lab Manual's, Information bulletin, Souvenir/Book of Abstract and Proceedings of Symposium, Seminar and Conference. Submission Policy, concerning depositors, quality & copyright Authors may only submit their own work for e-publication. Authors must deposit bibliographic data for their publications. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the authors / depositors. Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors. If the repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately.

Presently we are Indexed at:

  • Index Copernicus
  • Indian Science
  • Google Scholar
  • ScienceCentral

Website: http://chronexus.org/
Location: Bhopal
Members: 2
Latest Activity: Dec 2

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