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Journal of Information Systems Technology & Planning


Journal of Information Systems Technology & Planning

The journal covers general topics in Information Systems Technology (IST) that has qualitative, quantitative or hybrid perspectives. JISTP examines contemporary topics with special interest to practitioners, governments and academics that pertains to organization infrastructure, management information systems, technology analysis, strategic information systems, communication transformation and decision support systems. Importantly, it highlights areas such as: (1) IST planning, technology innovation, technology models and technology services (2) Practitioners, academics and business leaders who have impact on information systems adoption, both inside and outside of their organizations, and (3) Businesses that examine their performance, strategies, processes and systems which provide further planning and prepare for the rapid technological changes.

Website: http://www.intellectbase.org/journals.php#JISTP
Location: Nashville, TN
Members: 5
Latest Activity: on Sunday

About Journal & Associated Conference

(1) Conference Proceedings are Peer-Reviewed, (2) All Academic Journals are Double Blind Reviewed, (3) Both Conference Proceedings 
and Journals are Indexed and Archived with the U.S. Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA, (4) Journals are Listed and Indexed
with Major Directories e.g. EBSCOhost Discovery - Worldwide, Cabell's, Ulrich's ProQuest, JournalSeek, Google Scholar, etc.

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