International Refereed e-Journal in 'Management' & 'Education'
PUL-SATOR is a Quarterly e-Journal in English language. It has a distinguishedInternational Advisory Editorial Board that can be viewed here: http://www.pul-sator.com/EditorialBoard.htm It is run by In-Trust Foundation that is a registered Charitable Trust which enjoys Section…See More
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EditorPaulo César Chagas Rodrigues said…
Invitation for Inclusion in IJM&P Journal's Editorial Board Member
How are you? Fine, I hope.
I am an associate editor of “Independent Journal of Management & Production” (EISSN: 2236-269X), and we're looking forward to strengthening our editorial board diversity and include more academic experience and personal knowledge as yours. So, on behalf of Independent Journal of Management & Production, we are inviting you to participate as a member of the editorial board.
If you want to join us, please visit the link: http://www.ijmp.jor.br/index.php/ijmp/user/register.
It will be a great pleasure being able to include your name as a member.
Best regards,
Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues
Chief Editor,
Independent Journal of Management & Production (IJM&P)